Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Home Antibacterial Remedies For Your Vagina

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Home antibacterial remedies for your vagina are not only cheap, but they're also safer and more effective compared to over-the-counter medications.

Women these days turn to over-the-counter medications for treatment of vaginal infections. However, these commercially-prepared drugs often have nasty side effects. For that reason, home antibacterial remedies for your vagina are becoming a well-liked choice among the female population.

Natural Yogurt

The live acidophilus bacteria present in natural yogurt facilitate in the destruction of yeast. You may either apply it topically or insert a yogurt-drenched tampon into the vagina. Douching with water and yogurt is also an effective solution.


This is one of the simplest home antibacterial remedies for your vagina. You can actually trim down your chances of developing a vaginal infection just by gulping at least two glasses of buttermilk daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Routinely daubing the vagina with apple cider vinegar aids in preventing infections. However, you need to dilute the vinegar first. Throwing in a few cloves of garlic into the homemade preparation will also help get rid of the scratchy feeling.

Gentian Violet

The symptoms of vaginal infection can be removed by applying this antibacterial dye on the vaginal area and the cervix. Since it could stain, wearing a sanitary pad will protect your undergarments from discoloration.


Garlic is one of the best home antibacterial remedies for your vagina. Its antibacterial properties are quite potent against vaginal infections. Simply insert a homemade suppository - made by wrapping up peeled cloves of garlic in a sterile gauze pad - into the vagina and leave it inside for about 12 to 24 hours.

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